The Central Berkshire Regional School District Strategic Technology Plan Committee is composed of teachers, administrators, and School Committee members. We are working on the development of strategic plan that will help students, parents, and educators to take advantage of technology’s power to improve teaching and learning. We are currently working on a vision statement; a long-term aspiration for how technology will be used in the future to assist teaching and learning. We would appreciate your input. Please email with your ideas and links to resources so that they can be considered as we go about our work.
You may want to familiarize yourself with the guidelines for strategic plan development that can be accessed at or the resources available at the Educational Technology Advisory Council (ETAC) at
I think you may also find the Massachusetts STaR Chart (School Technology and Readiness Chart) an informative resource . I am sure that there are other resources beyond those offered by the Massachusetts DESE. Please be sure to share any resources that might help us in our work.
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